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  • Writer's pictureBelgrave Academy

Hospital Project - Poster Winners!

Belgrave St. Bartholomew's Academy has been working on an exciting project with the University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM) and Deloitte LLP, to raise awareness and try to reduce the number of people who fail to attend their medical and hospital appointments.

One of the main target area's for this project was Paediatrics, working with UHNM to encourage more hospitals to have a higher number of appointments available for children from 3pm onwards and at the weekends to avoid vital school hours to be missed.

As we are currently working hard on raising attendance at Belgrave, which also includes time taken out for medical/dental appointments, we were very keen to get involved in the project.

This opportunity also allowed us to raise awareness regarding the millions of pounds that are lost every year through missed appointments, not only with our families and pupils, but also amongst our own staff in school. 

Part of the project involved a poster competition with our pupils, focusing on raising awareness on this issue and we are excited to announce that five winning entries have been selected!

We are so incredibly proud of our pupils and their posters will now be framed and used around the Royal Stoke University Hospital. An amazing achievement - well done to our winners and to all of the pupils who took part! #teambelgrave



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