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Our Performing Arts Department has Drama, Dance and Music Specialists. Mr Jones is our Drama Specialist. Mrs Wood is a professional dancer with her own Dance Academy. Mrs Shenton is our Music Lead. Miss Stephenson is an award winning dancer who teaches Street Dance in school.  Together they teach Performing Arts across the school ensuring every child has the opportunity to learn specific skills and take part in performances.

Performing is just part of the Performing Arts experience. Our pupils have also benefited from opportunities to work with professional actors and musicians, including the National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Company. They have also had the opportunity to watch performances from touring Theatre-In-Education companies, and visit theatres locally as well as in Stratford-on-Avon and the West End.

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Year 6 Show 2023



When our school first opened in September 2002 it housed state of the art facilities that included a flexible, octagon shaped hall and specially designed stage management control room. We performed our very first production “in the round” and since then our pupils have had the opportunity to perform in a variety of venues and in a variety of styles. Over ten years our facilities have grown. We now have a specialist Music Room and multi purpose dance and drama studio.

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