sessions missed
(=105 school days)
Loving each other as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:39)
Proud members of the St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust
We’re pleased to be recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022–2025 for our continuous innovation in learning, teaching, and the school environment.
Our vision is to create a safe and supportive environment, where all can feel empowered to independently develop their own skills and knowledge, taking risks when necessary, in order to raise attainment and aspirations. It is vital that we raise the aspirations of our children and use the technology to add to their cultural capital. The use of technology allows our staff and children to innovate, create and evaluate their own learning journey. We feel the iPads prepare our children for the world they will work and live in by developing critical thinking, communication and personalised learning.
All teachers understand that the technology is a tool to enhance their practice. Through exploration of the TPACK model, staff have a clear awareness of how we can drive learning for all our children. Apple Technology has further enabled support staff to support, children to learn, teachers to teach and leaders to lead. All staff use the technology to ensure they work smarter and in a way which best serves the children. Effective feedback through the use of voice and emojis has allowed children to receive timely, effective and purposeful next steps- with a significant reduction in staff workload. Teachers use Keynote to create engaging and research informed presentations to share new knowledge to children. Out of the box apps such as Clips, Pages, Numbers, Keynote and iMovie are used to engage, create and express key knowledge learned. Showbie is used by all children and staff to upload and share work, ensuring a smooth and effective workflow. The app allows children to receive quality feedback from teachers and peers but also allows them to quickly retrieve prior knowledge to inform next steps.
A key focus has been accessibility. In a recent Pupil Premium review our practice was seen as excellent for all children- including SEND and EAL. The report included: “Children using the i-Pads, were demonstrating Ofsted’s new mantra of ‘knowing more, remembering more and (subsequently) able to do more’. This was evidenced by their level of excitement and engagement in the work they shared and the language and vocabulary used.”
Boys reading and engagement was a focus in school based on internal data. We have connected our children to the real world and enabled them to work collaboratively to create real life media content. Children work with media products such as cameras and Final Cut Pro to develop YouTube book reviews. This creative method allows children to share their content worldwide! With hits from Manchester to India our children are now engaged in reading and writing their reviews before ‘bringing them to life’. Our children have also shared their reviews and QR links in local libraries, reaching out and supporting our local community.
We use technology to break down barriers and raise the aspirations of all our children. We will continue to work closely with our Trust schools to develop their digital strategy and reach out to other schools looking to begin their iPad journey. We will continue to invest in Apple products and aim to have all teaching staff using MacBooks to support their teaching within the next 3 years. We will continue to reduce our carbon foot print and have a positive impact on the natural world. Our CPD programme will continue to grow and embed creativity in planning and enhance teaching and learning. Apple Teacher will continue to embed key skills and allow teachers to share new knowledge.