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  • Writer's pictureBelgrave Academy

Belgrave achieves the Food for Life Bronze Award

Belgrave has been awarded the Food for Life Bronze award for our healthy and climate friendly food culture.

We are working with Food for Life to transform the Academy's food culture and that of its local community, by connecting the children with climate friendly and healthy food. Food for Life is a Soil Association programme, bringing together the practical expertise of national partners Focus on Food, Garden Organic and the Health Education Trust. To find out more visit

To achieve the Bronze award we serve seasonal school meals that are at least 75% freshly prepared by a well trained cook. Pupils and parents are involved in planning improvements to our menus and the dining experience via a school nutrition action group, boosting school meal take up. Every pupil has the opportunity to visit a farm during his or her time at school and opportunities are given for cooking and food growing activity.

The Soil Association presented us with a Single Induction Hob and Multi Cooker (pictured) for the entire

Academy to use! Mrs Goodwin, who put us through for the Bronze award is now working hard on getting the Silver Award!

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